XMCH-C Closed face headset for Motorcycle helmet.
The XMCH motorcycle headsets are specifically designed for use by Motorcycle police and similarly demanding mission-critical applications. Two models are available: an open face model and a closed helmet version.
The X10DR handset is especially suitable for motorcycle use. The 6 pin Hirose industrial connector allows easy connection to a helmet microphone and dual earpiece fit-out. Making use of the handlebar PTT input, a bike can be configured so that when the rider is on the bike and presses the handlebar PTT, their headset microphone audio is sent out over the radio.
Off the bike but still wearing the helmet, the user can press the handset PTT to talk. Finally, if the user removes their helmet, they can unplug from the Hirose connector on the base of the unit and just use the handset like standard.