XDCI In-line 15W DC-DC Isolation adaptor
The highly compact (5x5cm) 15 Watt XDCI has been designed to significantly reduce the levels of these TDMA ground noises and provides an in-line 12V isolated DC output to connect to X10DR Gateways.
We recommend the use of our XDCI DC-DC isolation adaptor when interfacing multiple X10DRs to TDMA digital radios. TDMA radios include all TETRA, DMR, MotoTrbo and P25 Phase II radios. The XCA-DCI provides 12V DC-DC isolated power to operate the connected X10DR devices and minimise TDMA ground noise that might otherwise degrade receive and transmit audio.
The XDCI is a replacement solution to the discontinued original XJB-DCI or XCA-DCI earlier versions. It includes a short 15cm interface cable. for in line insertion between the radio's act adaptor and the Interface cable coming from the X10DR's gateway.
Connecting modern-day digital devices requires careful attention to device grounding. Installers should pay special attention to ensuring good grounds are achieved to all antenna mounts and power supplies of all electronic devices. The necessity for good grounding becomes especially important where the quantity of devices sharing a common power supply expands in complexity. Refer to the X10DR Plus Installation Guide for further information.